The Disclosure Paradox: Salvation (Book 2)



I’ve been studying the Shroud of Turin, the reputed burial cloth of Jesus, for over 46 years. What makes it exciting is that it is possible evidence for the existence, crucifixion, death, and even the Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, believed by millions to be God incarnate. It has always been a controversial subject, and for good reason. It touches on the truth of Christianity while simultaneously dealing with the meaning of our very existence. Many people don’t realize it, but the Shroud is the most-intensely studied artifact in human history. Not just the most-intensely studied religious relic in history but the most studied artifact of any kind. In 1978, a group of mostly-American scientists known as “The Shroud of Turin Research Project” (STURP) studied the cloth for five straight days around the clock. Most of these scientists worked in the U.S.A.’s nuclear and space programs. They published their findings in high-tier scientific peer-reviewed journals and concluded that the Shroud was not the product of an artist!

Another controversial subject is “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” or “Unidentified Anonymous Phenomena,” (UAPs) the current terms for “Unidentified Flying Objects” (UFOs). While many tend to think of them as mainly a post-WWII phenomenon, history has recorded accounts of them for literally thousands of years. Some people believe that these phenomena could be physical entities from elsewhere in the Universe, while others believe that they are actually demonic in nature.

Occasionally, I do searches on Amazon for “UFOs and Spirituality.” One of the hits I got during one of my searches was a novel called “The Disclosure Paradox” by Paul Vecchiet. I read very little fiction but the book looked interesting, so I decided to read it. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and decided to contact Paul via Facebook to tell him how much I liked it. I told him the only thing that would have made it better was if he had brought the Shroud of Turin into it. I mentioned my research on it, and we began a running correspondence. The correspondence with Paul had an added bonus—he ended up connecting me to another person that has become part of my Shroud circle.

I informed him that I had a list of people to which I sent weekly emails to people interested in the Shroud. Topics include the latest news, books, videos, podcasts, and other related information. He requested to be added and so began to receive them. He told me he found the Shroud to be fascinating. In the meantime, he put out a prequel to “The Disclosure Paradox” titled “What Doesn’t Kill Her.” This third novel “The Disclosure Paradox – Salvation” has incorporated accurate information about the Shroud into the plot.

When I read any new material on the Shroud, I am normally so excited to go through it that I often go too fast and have to back up and reread some passages. This happened to me with Paul’s new novel, even before I got to the Shroud material in the book. It is a fast-paced read, with no lulls in the action. It is written in such a way that a reader can absorb it as a stand-alone book, without having to read the first two novels. (But both are highly recommended!)  Taking place on several continents, it is full of interesting characters and constant intrigue.

Fiction can be a way to impart deep truths. Vecchiet has managed to accomplish that in all three of his novels. The Shroud of Turin has changed countless lives, including my own. I have spent thousands of hours analyzing it over the course of almost five decades. With the recent loosening by the U.S. government regarding release of information pertaining to UAPs, that subject is becoming more prominent in U.S.A. society. Whether they are actual extraterrestrial beings or whether they are demonic, it’s an issue that is going to have an impact on everyone all over the world. Both the Shroud and UAPs can be overwhelming. Investigating them can help stir us out of our stagnant theological and scientific bubbles. Reading Paul Vecchiet’s “The Disclosure Project – Salvation” could be a painless and even enjoyable way to start coming to grips with the questions that those topics raise. You can begin a possibly scary but definitely necessary journey to truth. And as Jesus himself said, “The truth will set you free.”



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